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Kjell - Cloud 34 lyrics

Clouded my mind

Darkness and nothingness clouded my mind

I began to realize death was nothing to fear
But something sweet and kind

Death was nothing to fear, but something sweet and kind

Clouded my mind

I began to realize death was nothing to fear
But something sweet and kind

I pinched to see if I was dreaming but failed to find bodily form

Death had worked her charm

Death was nothing to fear

Clouded my mind

I pinched to see if I was dreaming but failed to find bodily form

Death had worked her charm

Clouded my mind

Darkness and nothingness clouded my mind
I began to realize death was nothing to fear
But something sweet and kind

Cover: Kjell - Cloud 34
  • Cloud 34 / Final Protector

  • Year
  • 2011

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

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