Introverterz Likes
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Free tracks submitted: 695
Comments: 4
Member since: Sep 6th, 2012

About Introverterz My free top 10:
01. Aco-B - Screeches (From Hard To Core Anthem)
02. Arboza & Asylum - Shine
03. E-Force & Luna - Masterclass (Hardcore Edit)
04. Fanatics - Cocaine Capital
05. Locanda & Kuznetsow - The Tournament (Round 2 Mix)
06. N-Trance - Set You Free (Dean Zone vs The Sixth Sense Remix)
07. Oliver Lieb & Maik Maurice - TAMA
08. S.H.O.K.K. - My Madness (Part 2)
09. Yakooza - Cocaine (ADM Bootleg)
10. Zany & The Prophet - 384.000
Introverterz has 3 cookies
1 Submitted 500 free tracks 500 tracks? Better wear sunglasses so the paparazzi don't recognize you
2 Submitted 250 free tracks Tracks go in, jaw-dropping cookies come out. Good job!
3 Submitted 100 free tracks 100 free tracks, 100 free cookies? If only...