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Avaline feat. Gema James - Never Sever lyrics

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better
A friend with breasts and all the rest
A friend who's dressed in leather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who'll tease is better
Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed
And makes for stormy weather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better
A friend with breasts and all the rest
A friend who's dressed in leather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who bleeds is better
My friend confessed she passed the test
And we will never sever

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better
A friend with breasts and all the rest
A friend who's dressed in leather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who'll tease is better
Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed
And makes for stormy weather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better
A friend with breasts and all the rest
A friend who's dressed in leather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who bleeds is better
My friend confessed she passed the test
And we will never sever

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who'll tease is better
Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed
And makes for stormy weather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better
A friend with breasts and all the rest
A friend who's dressed in leather

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who'll tease is better
Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed
And makes for stormy weather

Cover: Avaline feat. Gema James - Never Sever
  • Never Sever

  • Year
  • 2005

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Hardtrance
    #8 Daily Overall

Features lyrics originally from Placebo - Pure Morning
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