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Headroom - Alligator Man lyrics

Alligator Man, what's the common factor among all Florida men?
- We all are different
Well, I'm-I'm different from the rest
I do-do, I do-do wild things
Anything you think of, I'll probably do it
- Anything?
- Anything
Well not anything, but basically anything

It's the Alligator Man [8x]

Na-na-na-na-na, it's the Alligator Man

What was it about Florida that made you do what you did?
- It was hot, it was humid
- The heat makes you do crazy things?

The heat makes you do crazy things

I do-do, I do-do wild things
Anything you think of, I'll probably do it
- Anything?
- Well not anything, but basically anything

It's the Alligator Man [7x]
Na-na-na-na-na, it's the Alligator Man

Na-na-na-na-na, it's the Alligator Man
- That is one hundred percent the McDonald's jingle
- Well, it's the Alligator Man's on now

Cover: Headroom - Alligator Man
  • Alligator Man

  • Year
  • 2024

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  • Submitted

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#1 Daily Psychedelic/Goa
#7 Daily Overall

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