Request: Nosferatu - The Oni Retribution
Fairly unsure

You shouldn't have looked

The devil is just a story
I am very real

I creep in the darkness with snakes and moles
Believe that I'm harmless but I'm taking souls
I slay my targets, put you in a grave that's cold
I bring the carnage [..]

[..] evil, come closer [..]
Sucking life out of people like I'm Nosferatu
To/true unholy demons, this is our revolution
I'm an Oni and I'm here seeking my retribution

Put you in a grave that's cold

I'm an Oni and I'm here seeking my retribution

You aren't going where you want to go
This isn't the trail home

The trail of tears
The trail of fears

Put you in a grave that's cold

I creep in the darkness with snakes and moles
Believe that I'm harmless but I'm taking souls
I slay my targets, put you in a grave that's cold
I bring the carnage [..]

[..] evil, come closer [..]
Sucking life out of people like I'm Nosferatu
To/true unholy demons, this is our revolution
I'm an Oni and I'm here seeking my retribution

Put you in a grave that's cold

The trail of fears

I'm an Oni and I'm here seeking my retribution
  • Release
  • The Oni Retribution

  • Genre

  • Requested by

  • Status
  • Not added

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