Request: N-Vitral & MC Jeff - The Butcher

I am the butcher

Everybody is a victim, (put your balls on a plate?)
This could be your end zone, there's no [..] in this [..]
We let you face the wall and count down to zero
Bad to the bone in a fucking bone marrow

They call me butch, I got a thing for killing
[..] like the way I [..]
We not slowing down, we give you [..] sucker
Murder is the case, sleep tight motherfuckers

I am the butcher

The butcher

Murder is the case, sleep tight motherfucker-

Everybody is a victim, (put your balls on a plate?)
This could be your end zone, there's no [..] in this [..]
We let you face the wall and count down to zero
Bad to the bone in a fucking bone marrow

They call me butch, I got a think for killing
[..] like the way I [..]
We not slowing down, we give you [..] sucker
Murder is the case, sleep tight motherfuckers

I am the butcher
Let's go!


Come on!


I am the butcher
  • Release
  • Insurrection

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  • Status
  • Not added

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