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Hope feat. O - Fired Up, Ready to Go lyrics

I'm fired up
I'm ready to go
Let's go change the world

Let's go change the world

Let's go change the world

One voice can change the world
And if it can change the world
It can change a city
And if it can change a city
It can change a state
And if it can change a state
It can change a nation
And if it can change a nation
It can change the world
So I just got one question for you:

Are you fired up?
(Fired up)
Are you ready to go?
(Ready to go)

Fired Up
(Fired up)
Ready to go
(Ready to go)

Fired Up
(Fired up)
Let's go change the world

Let's go change the world

If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read
That matters to me even if it's not my child.
Yes we can
Radicate the slanders that says
A black youth with a book is acting white
Yes we can
If there's a senior citizen somewhere
Who can't pay for the prescription drugs
That makes my life poor
Even if it's not my grandparent
Yes we can
If there's an Arab American family being rounded up
Without benefit of an attorney that threatens my civil liberties
Yes we can
A man touched down on the Moon
A wall came down in Berlin
Yes we can
We will never use 9/11
And we will restore our world standing in the world
Yes we can

One voice can change the world
And if it can change the world
It can change a city
And if it can change a city
It can change a state
And if it can change a state
It can change a nation
And if it can change a nation
It can change the world
So I just got one question for you:

Are you fired up?
(Fired up)
Are you ready to go?
(Ready to go)

Fired Up
(Fired up)
Ready to go
(Ready to go)

Fired Up
(Fired up)
Let's go change the world

Fired Up
(Fired up)
Ready to go
(Ready to go)

Fired Up
(Fired up)
Let's go change the world

Let's go change the world

  • Release
  • Alarm Music Promo CDS

  • Year
  • 2009

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#5 Daily Dance/House

On "Fired Up, Ready to Go", HOPE (a new act created by the CLUBLANDERS team) uses pieces of OBAMA's famous speeches given during his 2008 campaign.

"Before it was 'yes, we can'...
But now I feel like 'I'm fired up and ready to go!!!'"

Parts of the text been already in Barack Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention

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