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Starving Insect - Hate And Exterminate lyrics

Hate [15x]

Hate and exterminate

Hate [7x]
And exterminate

We are the Templars
The warriors of vengeance
The high priests of death
We have been chosen to make others pay for the crime of being alive
We guarantee that all humanity
Accomplices and heirs of the nuclear holocaust
Will be wiped out once and for all
That the seed of Man will be canceled forever
From the face of the Earth
So I say to you, Templars
Hate, hate with all your hearts, hate
Hate and exterminate

Hate and exterminate [9x]

Hate [3x]
And exterminate

Hate and exterminate

Hate [7x]
And exterminate

Cover: Starving Insect - Hate And Exterminate
  • Stillborn Euphoria

  • Year
  • 2020

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

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