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TWSTD & MickeyG - Powerful Alliance lyrics

Don't look down, the bridge is strong enough
We've dealt with bigger battles
[..], know our skin is tough

As soon as wet set foot on foreign land
The volume rises, can you hear us?
We will make you understand

When we arrive there won't be silence
Here stands a powerful alliance

Don't look down, the bridge is strong enough
We've dealt with bigger battles
[..], know our skin is tough

As soon as wet set foot on foreign land
The volume rises, can you hear us?
We will make you understand

When we arrive there won't be silence
Here stands a powerful alliance

Here stands a powerful alliance

The volume rises, can you hear us?
We will make you understand

Here stands a powerful alliance

Cover: TWSTD & MickeyG - Powerful Alliance
  • Powerful Alliance

  • Year
  • 2019

  • Genre

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#6 Daily Hardstyle

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