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Jesse Jax - Secrets lyrics

No one knows what is happening, or how it will end
It is like the ancient days
It is a time of ending
It is a beginning

There are living things, and machines and objects
That sit silent and unmoving
And all are awake
Are you listening?

No one knows what is happening, or how it will end
It is like the ancient days
It is a time of ending
It is a beginning

How do I know this?
You don't become a mystery without learning a few secrets
They endured the darkest of times
And now they burn


This is where we are going to end
They are things from the depths of time
And darkest reaches of the human soul

How do I know this?
You don't become a mystery without learning a few secrets

Cover: Jesse Jax - Secrets
  • Secrets

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  • 2024

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