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Nasenbluten - Razor Gauntlet lyrics

We're probably going out after this
Uh, were gonna go to station tonight
Which is a real hip-hop house and that
- Oh yeah I hate that, is it all rappers there?

We're probably going out after this
Uh, were gonna go to station tonight
Which is a real hip-hop house and that
- Oh yeah I hate that, is it all rappers there?
- It's not-it's not rap, it's more funk and soul
I went to this place and there was-there was all house and rap
I went in and took this guy outside, and broke his nose

It's not-it's not rap, it's more funk and soul
- Oh fuck off
- Uh, yeah he's giving us shit
'Cause we were all in our like [...] clothes
And we walk in there acting shit, and we go in
And they're all wearing all their like MC Hammer pants and shit

And they're all wearing all their like MC Hammer pants and shit

Oh fuck off
- And we walked in there, with like our flannel
Flannel top, and fucking you know, two jeans and shit
- Huh?

We're probably going out after this
Uh, were gonna go to station tonight
Which is a real hip-hop house and that
It's not-it's not rap, it's more funk and soul
I went to this place and there was-there was all house and rap
I went in and took this guy outside, and broke his nose
Uh, yeah he's giving us shit
'Cause we were all in our like [...] clothes
And we walked in there acting shit, and we go in

It's not-it's not rap, it's more funk and soul
- Oh fuck off
- And they're all wearing all their like MC Hammer pants and shit
And we walked in there, with like our flannel
Flannel top, and fucking you know, two jeans and shit
- Huh?
Oh fuck off

Cover: Nasenbluten - Razor Gauntlet
  • You're Going To Die

  • Year
  • 1993

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #4 Daily Hardcore/Early

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