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Act of Rage & Deluzion & Nolz - Like My Shit lyrics

All of your bullshit, we don't take it
Sike, uh, 'cause we know you fake it (likes, likes)
Please like my shit
Middle fingers up and go suck a dick
We're in this for the real deal
You stay in the gutter
We in it for the real feel, motherfucker


We in it for the real feel, motherfucker

All of your bullshit
We don't take it, take it, take it
Sike, uh 'cause we know you fake it, fake it, fake it

We in it for the real feel, motherfucker

Please like my shit
Middle fingers up and go suck a dick
We're in this for the real deal
You stay in the gutter
We in it for the real feel, motherfucker


Please like my shit
Middle fingers up and go suck a dick

Motherfucker [2x]

Please like my shit
Middle fingers up and go suck a dick

Let's go!

We in it for the real feel, motherfucker
Let's go!
Cover: Act of Rage & Deluzion & Nolz - Like My Shit
  • Like My Shit

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  • 2023

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