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Brainkicker - Burn lyrics

Sit back and relax
And let your conscience be free
As we show you what's happening
Now is the time to relax your mind
And slip into a new world
The funky technician is back
Now, I think it's time to make the floor burn

The funky technician is back

He's back

I think it's time to make the floor burn, now

Sit back and relax
And let your conscience be free
As we show you what's happening
Now is the time to relax your mind
And slip into a new world
The funky technician is back
Now, I think it's time to make the floor burn

The funky technician is back

He's back
I think it's time to make the floor burn

I think it's time to make the floor burn, now

Cover: Brainkicker - Burn
  • Burn

  • Year
  • 2023

  • Genre

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