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RayRay - Wide Awake lyrics

Tell me to wake up
It's over, already done
I'm sick of the nightmares
Don't care, I'm wide awake

Show me a way out
I can't stay, I'm getting out
In search of the freedom
I feel it, I'm wide awake (wide awake [8x])

I can't wake up
I can't explain
The thoughts in my head
I can't tell what is fake

Tell me to wake up
I'm sick of the nightmares

Tell me to wake up
It's over, already done
I'm sick of the nightmares
Don't care, I'm wide awake

Show me a way out
I can't stay, I'm getting out
In search of the freedom
I feel it, I'm wide awake (wide awake [8x])

I can't wake up
I can't explain
The thoughts in my head
I can't tell what is fake

(I'm wide awake)

Cover: RayRay - Wide Awake
  • Wide Awake

  • Year
  • 2022

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