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Delete & Chris One - W4RR10R lyrics

Warrior! [2x]

So today, we're gonna be talking about
Really some of the nicest people on the internet:
Keyboard warriors
These guys fuck you up, man
They will breath really heavy
And start typing on the keyboard really fast

Warrior! [2x]

I mean, this is some sixth grade lunchroom -shit
Are you really not gonna live your life
Based on somebody's anonymous feedback that you suck?
They fucking suck
You people are just looking any excuse
To get on the internet-.. "you're fucking fat!"

Grow up!

Key, board, warriors [2x]
Warriors [8x]

Warrior! [3x]

Key, board, warriors [2x]
Warriors [4x]

Warrior! [2x]

Cover: Delete & Chris One - W4RR10R
  • W4RR10R

  • Year
  • 2018

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#10 Daily Hardstyle

Partly from the video game "Borderlands 2" (2012), and from the videos of the youtubers known as Filthy Frank and Boogie2988.

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