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Druid & Hektic & Avox - Our Calling lyrics

This is our calling [2x]

As we break away from the past
We realize who we are meant to be
A thousand united souls
That share one destiny

We are the next generation
Bound by a common cause
To find ourselves in this new era
And become one with the music
That brings us together

A new day is dawning
And this is our calling

As we break away from the past
We realize who we are meant to be
This is our calling

As we break away from the past
We realize who we are meant to be
A thousand united souls
That share one destiny

We are the next generation
Bound by a common cause
To find ourselves in this new era
This is our calling

Cover: Druid & Hektic & Avox - Our Calling
  • Our Calling

  • Year
  • 2020

  • Genre

  • Submitted

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