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TC - Wheres My Money (Caspa Remix) lyrics

Uh, hello
- Hi
Uh yeah
- Yeah?
About the money...
- Money?
Uh, I don't know if I'm coming out to get it over to you
- What do you mean you won't be able to get it? What?
Uh, 'cause it's like
It's in a secondary holding account
- Holding account?
Now we need to get this to another account
- What?
And you know, what with the state of the music industry nowadays
And record sales and all that you know
- Uh you know what?
- Where's my money?


- Where's my money?

Hello [2x]

Uh, hello
- Hi
Uh yeah
- Yeah?
About the money...
- Money?
Uh, I don't know if I'm coming out to get it over to you
- What do you mean you won't be able to get it? What?
Uh, 'cause it's like
It's in a secondary holding account
- Holding account?
Now we need to get this to another account
- What?
And you know, what with the state of the music industry nowadays
And record sales and all that you know
- Uh you know what?
- Where's my money?


- Where's my money?

Hello [2x]

Friendly ghost you know I'm the dopest ghost in town
The bitches all love me, 'cause I'm fucking caspa!
Fuck this shit!
Cover: TC - Wheres My Money (Caspa Remix)
  • Wheres My Money (Caspa Remix) / Tron

  • Year
  • 2008

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by atomicoz

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Dubstep

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