Already added: DJ Paul Elstak feat. Leo Sex - A.C.A.B. (All Cops are Bastards)
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Imil 14 years, 11 months ago
My turn again :P another go at completing it:

"In a buzz you get
And it starts when you put your gear up
suddenly you're not far with two kids with a monkage(?)
you're 18 and life's a briz
and when it's about to kick off
No drug I've ever done compares to it

Hooligan! (15X)
ACAB All cops are bastards! (12X)

(...) fools in blue (2X)
cannot be trusted!
(...) fools in blue
Fuck 'em!

ACAB All cops are bastards! (6X)

You know, back in the 80's we respected lads for there gear
not just 'cause it looked good
But because we knew a bit of effort went into getting it
Now... I jump (...)(bodycart?)(...) and all of a sudden I think they're fucking superman
It's bullocks, the thing is, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it!

It's a fucking uniform
What is it the papers call 'em?
Oh yeah... the Burberry Brigade

ACAB they can not be trusted!
ACAB All cops are bastards!

Hooligan! (7X)

(...) fools in blue cannot be trusted!
Remember that!

ACAB All cops are bastards! (8X)

Hooligan! (32X)

I've been doing it so long, I can't imagine not doing it!"
Dion 14 years, 11 months ago
that is what i can come up with after 100 of times hearing it ^^

"In the buzz you get
And it starts when you put your gear up
suddenly you're not far from the two kids in the (...)
you're 18 and life's a breeze
and when it's about to kick off
No drug I've ever done compares to it

Hooligan! (x?)
ACAB All cops are bastards! (x12)

(...) fools in blue cannot be trusted!
Fuck 'em!

ACAB All cops are bastards! (x6)

You know, back in the 80's we respected lads for there gear
not just 'cause it looked good
Now... (...) I think they're fucking superman
It's bullocks, the thing is, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it!

It's a fucking uniform
What's it the papers call 'em?
Oh yeah: the Burberry Brigade

ACAB (...)
ACAB All cops are bastards!

Hooligan! (x?)

(...) fools in blue cannot be trusted!
Remember that!

ACAB All cops are bastards! (x8)

Hooligan! (x?)

I've been doing it so long, I can't imagine not doing it!"
Dion 14 years, 11 months ago
thanks a lot, i know the source now, it's the british movie "it's casual life".

and it's not burglary but burberry brigade ;)

thanks again, i might complete them...
Imil 14 years, 11 months ago
it's british which makes it really hard to understand, I thought it came from Football Factory again but no hits yet, maybe it helps though?

here's what I make of it anyway:
"In the bus you get
And it starts when you put your gear up
suddenly you're not very far from (...)
you're 18 and life's a (...)
and when it's about to kick off
No drug I've ever done compares to it

hooligan! (?X)
ACAB All cops are bastards! (12X)

(...) in blue (...)
fuck 'em!

ACAB All cops are bastards! (6X)

You know, back in the 80's we respected lads for there gear
not jsut because it looked good
Now... (...) I think they're fucking superman
it's bullocks, the thing is, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it!

it's a fucking (...)
What's it the papers call 'em?
Oh yeah, the burglary brigade

ACAB (...)
ACAB All cops are bastards!

Hooligan! (?X)

(...) in blue (...)
Remember them!

ACAB All cops are bastards! (8X)

Hooligan! (?X)

I've been doing it so long I can't image not doing it!"

that's what I hear anyway ^^
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