Request: Rotterdam Terror Corps - Terror Feelings

This is a sanctuary for the deaf...
Across the river and down into the depths...
You will find [...]
You will find an old, ancient feeling
[...] of the seven centuries
Terror feelings
Terrooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! [2x]

Can be one of us
  • Release
  • Fear [MRV 028]

  • Genre

  • Requested by

  • Status
  • Not added

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Pain 12 years, 3 months ago
And this, is a sanctuary for the dead
This is for the greatest sinner of all [..]
Across the river and down into the depths of the earth
You will find a mystery of long lost [..] and [..]
From the grave, an old ancient feeling
That has been lost for seven centuries
From the grave, a terror feeling

May nail you on a cross
[..] can be one of us

[..] [2x]


And this, is a sanctuary for the dead
This is for the greatest sinner of all [..]
Across the river and down into the depths of the earth
You will find a mystery of long lost [..] and [..]
From the grave, an old ancient feeling
That has been lost for seven centuries
From the grave, a terror feeling

Best I can do, lol.
Va fan, intrige!
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