Already added: Angerfist (ft. D-Spirit) - Smoke Yo Momma
"i'm here for murdering, kidnapping, robbery, armed robbery, conspiracy, breaking a dude's jaw and breaking his fucking (...) god damn it!"
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NuclearDuckie 14 years ago
Nice, great find!

I'll watch through the movie at some point and see if I can find any more lyrics.
AdamBast 14 years, 1 month ago
Watch the last 20 seconds.
"They're gonna fuck you, toss the salad and smoke your motherfucking ass!"
It's not much, but something.
My head is bangin'
You're killing me
Please don't stop
NuclearDuckie 14 years, 2 months ago
Sounds like every 8 bars (starting from when the kick comes in) it changes from "smoke yo momma" to "fuck yo momma". There's a slight difference in pitch or something with that first word.
invictus 14 years, 5 months ago
I always thought it was "fucking toss the salad, then fuck your mother", the "fuck" in there is interchangeable with "smoke", but sounds like it was cut from "fuck your mother" and "smoke" being separate.
Frostbite 14 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, I just listened to the song once more. And its defiantly not 'Smoke your cousin'. But I don't what it should be otherwise :P
Pain 14 years, 5 months ago
'Smoke your cousin' _O_
Doesn't even come near that.

'Fuck you, [..] the [..] and smoke your mother'
Is what I'm hearing.

I also think that all those random 'smoke-smoke' you're hearing is just the 'Fuck you'
Va fan, intrige!
Cauterite 14 years, 5 months ago
my god, it must have been a marathon writing all that
Frostbite 14 years, 5 months ago
Okay here goes...
'Smoke your cousin' <- I'm not sure if it is cousin
Many lines are distorted and hard to hear.
I still misses some words, and I couldn't add anything to the text above.
[Smoke] (x4)

[Smoke] (x3)

Smoke your cousin, so I can smoke your mother
Smoke your cousin, so I can… smoke…
Smoke your cousin, so I can smoke… smoke…
Smoke-smoke your cousin, so I can smoke your mother (x5)
Smoke-smoke your cousin, so I can
(..), bite your fucking wheels off (..)
Smoke your cousin, so I can smoke your mother
Smoke-smoke your cousin, so I can smoke your mother (x6)
Smoke-smoke your cousin, so I can… smoke…

Smoke your cousin, so

Smoke your cousin, so
Smoke-smoke-smoke-smoke your cousin, so


Smoke your cousin, so (x2)
Smoke-smoke-smoke-smoke your cousin, so
Smoke your cousin, so (x6)
Smoke-smoke-smoke-smoke your cousin, so
Smoke your cousin, so (x2)
Smoke-smoke-smoke-smoke your cousin, so

I’m here for murdering, kidnapping, robbery, armed robbery, conspiracy, breaking a dude's jaw and breaking his fucking (..) goddamn it!

Smoke your cousin, so I can smoke your mother


Smoke your cousin, so I can smoke your mother

Smoke your cousin, so (x2)
Smoke-smoke-smoke-smoke your cousin, so
Smoke your cousin, so (x3)
Smoke-smoke-smoke-smoke your cousin, so
Smoke your cousin, so

Smoke your cousin so, I can smoke your mother
Smoke-smoke your cousin, so I can smoke your mother (x3)
Smoke-smoke you cousin, so

Smoke your cousin, so
Smoke-smoke-smoke-smoke your cousin, so

Smoke your cousin, so I can…
Smoke your mother
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