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Pat B - Techno lyrics

Ah, they love it when I turn up the bass


Go boom

Ah, they love it when I turn up the bass
Ah, they love it when I turn up the bass, bass
Ah, they love it when I turn up the bass
Ah, they love it when I turn up the - bass

They love it when I [2x]
Ah, they love it when I [2x]
Ah, they love it when I turn up the bass

Ah, they love it when I turn up the bass
Turn up the bass, turn up the bass
Turn up the, turn up the - bass

Go boom

Cover: Pat B - Techno
  • USB 3.0

  • Year
  • 2023

  • Genre

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Jumpstyle
#5 Daily Overall

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