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2Recluse & The Divider - Dark Moments lyrics

If I can endure for this moment
What ever is happening to me
No matter how heavy my heart
Or how dark the moments may be
If I can but keep on believing
What I know in my heart to be true
Then darkness will fade into morning
And with this dawn a new day too

If I can endure for this moment
What ever is happening to me
No matter how heavy my heart
Or how dark the moments may be

If I can endure for this moment
What ever is happening to me
No matter how heavy my heart
Or how dark the moments may be
If I can but keep on believing
What I know in my heart to be true
Then darkness will fade into morning
And with this dawn a new day too

Cover: 2Recluse & The Divider - Dark Moments
  • Dark Moments

  • Year
  • 2013

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