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Per Pleks - What the Fxck lyrics

They know what is what
But they don't know what is what
They just strut, what the fuck?

What the fuck? [3×]

They just...

What the fuck? [2×]

They know what is what
But they don't know what is what

They know what is what
But they don't know what is what
They just strut, what the fuck?

What the fuck? [6×]

They just... [2×]

They know what is what
But they don't know what is what
They just strut, what the fuck?

Cover: Per Pleks - What the Fxck
  • What the Fxck

  • Year
  • 2022

  • Genre

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  • Submitted
  • Approved by surrender

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

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