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N-Vitral presents BOMBSQUAD - Hiroshima lyrics

Anyone who thinks he'll take me out is just a dreamer
If you think you're the bomb, then I'm Hiroshima

Hiroshima [8x]
-shima [?x]

Anyone who thinks he'll take me out is just a dreamer
If you think you're the bomb, then I'm Hiroshima [2x]

Anyone who thinks he'll take me, anyone who thinks he'll take me
Anyone who thinks he'll take me out is just a dreamer

Anyone who thinks he'll take me out is just a dreamer
If you think you're the bomb, then I'm Hiroshima

I'm Hiroshima


I'm Hiroshima

Anyone who thinks he'll take me out is just a dreamer
If you think you're the bomb, then I'm Hiroshima

-shima, Hiroshima [?x]
-shima [?x]

Anyone who thinks he'll take me out is just a dreamer
If you think you're the bomb, then I'm Hiroshima

I'm Hiroshima

Cover: N-Vitral presents BOMBSQUAD - Hiroshima
  • Mainstream Mutilators

  • Year
  • 2018

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by surrender

    Top achievedBETA
    #2 Daily Hardcore/Gabber
    #4 Daily Overall

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