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Lorraine Feather - A Little Like This lyrics

Now and then, I wonder what your story is.
Most of the time, I truly don’t care.
Mostly, it’s nice when I find you there.
Occasionally, we’re right on the money.
Usually, it’s hit and miss.
Once in a blue moon,
It’s a little like this.

From time to time, I’ve tried to tell you, clumsily,
What might be a bit sketchy at best,
The larger question unaddressed.
Once you said you fear we are crawling,
Inch by inch, to the edge of an abyss.
I know … It does seem a little like that sometimes,
But also a little like this.

The things I notice about you
Aren’t the same as anyone else might,
At least I like to think so.
You’ll have a visceral reaction
To some lovely abstraction.
I find it sweet,
Like the softest note that was ever played.
I try to grab it in the air but all in vainâ€â€
Gone, like an earring down the drain, gone.

Sometimes there’s a kiss with no longing.
Sometimes there’s a longing but no kiss.
Once in a blue moon, It can be a little like this.

It can be a little like, like this.
Now and then I try to tell you,
Always a little clumsily, at best.
It’s a little mysterious,
Can be a little complicated,
It can be a little rapturous.
It’s like when you turn around
And I can hear you thinking,
The sound of your breathing
When you’re maybe like a foot away.

Now and then I wonder what your story is,
Although I don’t care.
I find the feeling can take me anywhere.
It’s a little hopeless, it’s a little unbelievable,
And it’s a little inspiring.

Cover: Lorraine Feather - A Little Like This
  • Attachments

  • Year
  • 2013

  • Genre

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Jazz

Music, Russell Ferrante / Lyrics, Lorraine Feather

Russell Ferrante came up with some beautiful music right off the bat when I brought the lyrics for †œA Little Like This† to his house. He then did a second version that was just as lovely but in a minor key, and we decided that it was more in keeping with the mood of the song. At this point I didn†™t have a title for the project, but described the concept to Russ. He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds, opened them, and said, †œAttachments.†
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