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Hollando Gaetano - Hope & Love (Royal Ash Remix) lyrics

The thing for the hour
Is "save the children"
And we're all very serious about that
Because we're expecting the children to save us all
But how can they save us?
If they don't even have any examples
Well what kind of examples, preacher?
Examples of leadership, love, peace, joy, and harmony
Those examples of caring and sharing
See, we must break those generational curses
That plague our families and communities
They must know that not only does power
And wisdom is gaining understanding
The bible says train up a child, and away he should go
And when they become old, they shall not get far from you
I always hear us preaching that famous slogan
"Each one teach one"
But are we really doing our best to be effective in the lives of our children?
Only god can save our soul

The thing for the hour
Is "save the children"
And we're all very serious about that
Because we're expecting the children to save us all

  • Release
  • Hope & Love EP

  • Year
  • 2011

  • Genre

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

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